Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Quotations

Here are a few Quotes I found to be interesting. I think you'll enjoy them too.
  • Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to. ~Bill Vaughn
  • An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. ~Bill Vaughan
  • Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits. ~Author Unknown
  • A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. ~Author Unknown
  • Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man. ~Benjamin Franklin
  • No one ever regarded the First of January with indifference. It is that from which all date their time, and count upon what is left. It is the nativity of our common Adam. ~Charles Lamb
  • Never tell your resolution beforehand, or it's twice as onerous a duty. ~John Selden
  • Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. ~Hal Borland
  • New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. ~Hamilton Wright Mabie
  • The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year's Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you're married to. ~P.J. O'Rourke
  • New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. ~Mark Twain
  • For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice.And to make an end is to make a beginning.~T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"

  • Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever. ~Mark Twain
  • People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
  •  Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. ~Oprah Winfrey

Happy New Year
Roger & Lisa Booth

Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a "Green" Christmas!

As our family completes our holiday tradition of making ornaments for a gift exchange and putting up our tree – the day seems almost magical with the big white snow flakes falling outside the window - well, not in Phoenix AZ but we're dreaming a little. Hot chocolate simmers and the cookies are in the oven, completing the picture. Focusing on the spirit of Christmas and what it means to be with family, give to others and recycle, reuse and reduce is what we aim to do.

Here are some eco-friendly tips for a joyous and happy holiday season, from our home to yours:

Give.  Host or attend an alternative gift fair where you give to charity in someone else’s name. Your local United Way might have some ideas to help support this or may even be participating in an alternative gift fair for your community. Either way, you can give and donate your time, items or money toward human service agencies this year. Every dollar counts!

Resale. Shop resale and give gently used or “like new” gifts and invite the entire family to do the same.
Save Money. A programmable thermostat will help save energy and money – who doesn’t like that as a gift?
Less is More. The children will be receiving fewer gifts and ones that are either useful, can be used long term and if possible not plastic.
Twinkle to a Minimum. Fewer lights, which mean less energy, wasted. We don’t need outdoor lights twinkling and it just boosts are electric bill.
Reuse. No new holiday decorations. I have tubs upon tubs of decorations and it’s time to purge and donate some of these. No need for new ones.

Purge. Toys…the children have to many. To help the children make room for new toys I want them to go through and decide which ones they do not want and we will donate them to charity.
Recycle.  Make sure that as you add the gifts to your life that you clean out your closets, cupboards and garages and give what you don't need to Good Will or other agencies that help others in need.

Have a Blessed Holiday - Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all - Roger & Lisa Booth of Good Living Products

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why do we get kissed if we stand under the mistletoe?

Here is an interesting article I found about the Mistletoe. Hope you enjoy, it's interesting.

 Since ancient times, the mistletoe has been one of the most magical, mysterious and sacred plants of European folklore.

The ancient Druids considered the mistletoe to be a sacred plant and believed it had miraculous powers which could cure illnesses, serve as an antidote against poisons, ensure fertility and protect against the ill effects of witchcraft. It was also believed that the mistletoe was an aphrodisiac or a sexual symbol.

From these strange beliefs has come the modern-day custom of hanging a ball of mistletoe from the ceiling and exchanging kisses under it as a sign of friendship and goodwill.
The tradition of smooching under the mistletoe descends from the customs of several different cultures. For instance, exchanging kisses under the mistletoe was a tradition of Greek festivals and marital ceremonies. If a couple in love exchanges a kiss under the mistletoe, it is interpreted as a promise to marry, as well as a prediction of happiness and long life.

The Anglo-Saxons associated the powers of the mistletoe to the legend of Freya, the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. According to the legend, a man had to kiss any young girl who, without realizing it, found herself accidentally under a sprig of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. Guys would pluck a berry when they smooched the girls and when the last berry was gone, there would be no more kissing!
In France, the custom linked to the mistletoe was reserved for New Year's Day: "Au gui l'An neuf"--Mistletoe for the New Year.

Today, kisses can be exchanged under the mistletoe any time during the holiday season.

Did you know?

Although the mistletoe is considered to be the seed of love, the common name of the plant is derived from the ancient belief that mistletoe grew from bird droppings. This strange belief was related to the ancient principle that life could spring spontaneously from dung.

In ancient times, people observed that mistletoe appeared on a branch or twig where birds had left droppings. "Mistel" is the Anglo-Saxon word for "dung," and "tan" is the word for "twig". So, mistletoe actually means "dung-on-a-twig". What a strange meaning for a plant that is supposed to bring love and happiness!

In Scandinavia, mistletoe was considered a plant of peace, under which enemies could declare a truce or warring spouses kiss and make-up. Whenever enemies met under the mistletoe in the forest, they had to lay down their arms and observe a truce until the next day.

Today's custom of using mistletoe to decorate houses at Christmas is a survival of European beliefs and traditions. In Europe, branches of mistletoe were hung from ceilings to ward off evil spirits. In some countries, they were placed over house and stable doors to prevent the entrance of witches.

Hope you enjoyed the article. Happy Holidays. Don't forget to check out our Holiday Section @ It is an easy way to shop for that special someone in your life.

Lisa Booth
Good Living Products

Sunday, December 6, 2009

We Love Our Wine - Even If We Can't Afford It

Lisa and I love our wine and thought you might like this article.  It's been fun to see the popularity of wine increase in the last several years.  We love both red and white wine as well as some great varietals  that we have discovered in our home state of Arizona.

Funny how even a deep recession doesn't seem to be able to mess with our wine drinking.  Lisa and I haven't stooped to boxes or jugs yet.......but you never know what the future holds! It's all a part of Good Living!!

Here's the article:

Cheers! SalĂșd! Clink, clink! However you toast, Americans will be tipping their glasses this holiday season. According to new research from Mintel, two-thirds of survey respondents (67%) say they partake in wine on holidays and special occasions while at home. Another 58% drink wine at home with dinner on an ordinary night.

The wine market has grown 20% from 2004-09 despite the recession; however, shattered consumer confidence caused a 3.2% decline during the height of the financial crisis in 2008. As consumers begin to see signs that the worst of the recession is behind them, Mintel forecasts the wine market will stabilize and increase by 2.1% in 2009.

“Despite the recent decline, the future of the wine market looks bright, at least for moderately priced segments,” says Sarah Theodore, Mintel senior food and drink analyst. “Value wines have helped consumers rethink their perceptions about wine. Domestic wines have proven to be somewhat recession-proof as unpretentious, economy-priced wines are fuelling recent sales.”

How does wine chalk up next to its alcoholic beverage counterparts? So far in 2009, nearly half of survey respondents say they drink beer compared to just more than one-third who drink imported and domestic wines (47% vs. 35%). Only 17% claim to enjoy champagne and sparkling wines and even less drink port, sherry and dessert wines (7%).

Sarah Theodore notes: “As wine finds its way out of the recession, it might be taking on a new form. The down economy has given impetus to boxed wine. Marketers have an opportunity right now to really play up the benefits of this type of packaging and finally eliminate its ‘cheap’ image.”

Nearly one in five respondents appears to be status-conscious when it comes to drinking boxed wine. Consequently, 35% of those aged 21-24 say they would drink boxed wine at home, but not serve it to guests, compared to 19% of all ages. In addition, 35% of 21-24 year old wine drinkers believe the wine brand they choose reflects their status to friends, compared to only 14% of all ages.

About Mintel
Mintel is a leading global supplier of consumer, product and media intelligence. For more than 35 years, Mintel has provided insight into key worldwide trends, offering exclusive data and analysis that directly impacts client success. With offices in Chicago, New York, London, Sydney, Shanghai and Tokyo, Mintel has forged a unique reputation as a world-renowned business brand. For more information on Mintel, please visit

If you get a chance - check out our web page about Good Living at

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Easy Workouts At Home

Who loves going to the gym?  Who has the time?  Here are some benefits of working out at home and some exercises I do at home.
  • No wasted time driving to and from a fitness club
  • No waiting in line to use the equipment
  • Workout on your schedule, rather than just when the health club is open
  • No expensive monthly membership fees or long-term contracts
  • Motivation to workout as you pass by the equipment every day.
  • Being comfortable in your own home if you don't like to work out in a club with lots of people
While some people religiously hit the gym for a workout, it is not possible for many to do the same due to varied reasons. But this does not mean it should stop us from taking care of our health and fitness and not workout. I understand it is not possible for everyone to set up a gym in their home. So to help you out here are some easy workouts / exercises that can be performed any time at home. Also another great option is home video workouts. If you need motivation and don't have a workout buddy then just follow the video and they will keep you going.

Walking (this is our favorite)
  • Walking, jogging or running happens to be the simplest and cheapest kind of cardiovascular workout. This can be done in the neighborhood parks, in your neighborhood or along trails.
  • Walking briskly for 15 to 20 minutes is the best way one can initiate exercising.
  • It is convenient compared to other home workouts.
  • Trick is to begin slowly and then steadily increase the stride and fasten pace.
If you have a walking partner, he /she will keep you motivated. And don't forget about your dogs they will always be up and ready to go with you. What a great treat for them too.

Push-Up Exercises for Anybody
  • Lie chest-down with your hands at shoulder level, palms flat on the floor and slightly more than shoulder-width apart, your feet together and parallel to each other.
  • Look forward rather than down at the floor. The first contact you make with the floor with any part of the face should be your chin, not your nose.
  • Keep your legs straight and your toes tucked under your feet. Straighten your arms as you push your body up off the floor. Keep your palms fixed at the same position and keep your body straight. Try not to bend or arch your upper or lower back as you push up.
  • Exhale as your arms straighten out.
  • Pause for a moment
  • Lower your body slowly towards the floor. Bend your arms and keep your palms in fixed position. Keep body straight and feet together.
  • Lower body until chest touches the floor. Try not to bend your back. Keep your knees off the floor, and inhale as you bend your arms.
  • Pause for a moment. Begin straightening your arms for a second push-up. Exhale as you raise your body

Squats for the Legs
Squat happens to be a great at home exercise.
  • Position feet about shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your torso straight. There should be a slight arch in your lower back.
  • Now begin movement by bending the knees.
  • Lower your body / go down only till you feel comfortable. If you are able to lower yourself till both your thighs stand horizontally parallel, do so.
  • Now using the power in your legs, push yourself steadily back up to the starting / original position.
Initially one can opt to use a bar to grip while doing this exercise for balance.  Stop using the bar when you get stronger with squats.

Crunches for the Abs

  • Lie down flat on your back. Your knees should be bent and your feet placed comfortably on the floor.
  • You can choose to hold clasp your hands either on your chest or behind your head. Just make sure that you do not pull on your head.
  • In the simple crunch, you are instructed to just roll the upper torso upward.
  • Hold for few seconds at the top of the movement and squeeze hard.

To boost effectiveness of crunch exercise, you can instead push your chest and head up towards the ceiling keeping your lower back flat onto the floor.

Just a few tips and workouts that I have found and have used and they really do work. With the combination of working out, eating right and vitamins you are heading down a very healthy path. Please check out our website @ for more healthy ideas.
Roger & Lisa Booth of Good Living Products, LLC

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

An Enjoyable – Guilt Free Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is all about abundance or more often, overabundance. But, it doesn't have to and shouldn't have to be that way.  The Thanksgiving holiday is the start of the "seasonal seven," the average amount of weight usually gained during the holiday season. To many, the addition of the holidays to the mix of our daily lives can be overwhelming. Stop, take a breath, and evaluate your priorities during this time of year. 

Here are some planning tips that hopefully can help you stay fit and healthy during your Thanksgiving weekend. Focus on the small tweaks that can have a big pay off. 

Get up a little earlier - Yeah, it's a day off, but doing things in the early morning doesn't lead to excuses the rest of the day.  Take a walk - you'll feel better

Drink Water - Many times when we are really thirsty, we reach for food. By keeping hydrated, you will eat less and it will give the stomach that full feeling. 

Eat less, but more often - It's about portion control throughout the day. This keeps the metabolism burning. When Thanksgiving dinner comes around, you won't gorge on everything in sight. 

Pace yourself - Thanksgiving dinner is not a contest on who can eat the most the fastest. Take your time eating. This is a time for more family interaction. Put the fork down every so often and enjoy the time together. 

Remove some fat - Yeah, I know the cooked turkey skin taste great, but remove the skin from your turkey portion. 

Play some games - Set time aside after your Thanksgiving meal for fun. Don't take the usual post-meal nap. Take a walk after your meal - fight the urge to take a nap. 

Limit the sweets and pies - Use portion control and don't put yourself over the edge.  Eat to feel full, not engorged!

We spend a great deal of time planning and stressing over the Thanksgiving meal. This year, plan ahead and make your Thanksgiving a Healthy, Happy one. 

We are grateful for each other, our families and you - for having an interest in us. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! - Roger and Lisa Booth of Good Living Products.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Did Your Dog Eat Today? Here's a Possible Solution

Hello again, I wanted to share with you a new toy I found for Buddy and Gracie.
I don't know if your dogs are the same as mine but they are very distructive when it comes to their toys. First thing to do is find the squeeker and tear it out.

Then there is the stuffing all over the floor and in the back yard. What a mess! Not to mention what gets in their stomachs............

Then I found some Eco Friendly Dog Toys that are an evolution in style, in concept, in color. In an age of disposable everything, this line of sustainable American made dog toys stands the test of time. 100% Recyclable Zogoflex toys and Fabric Toys utilizing fabric and stuffing made from recycled soda pop bottles - gives each toy a life beyond one bite. From the mouth of soda pop consumers to the mouth of your dog...these products live on!  And I don't have to worry about what they have eaten because they can't eat these toys, all they do is play with them.  Isn't that they point?
Please check out our website at for more eco-friendly dog and cat toys.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kiva - Giving To Make A Difference

About four years ago I was watching a TV program on how Americans were giving to a new program called Kiva.  The show caught my attention.  I promised myself then and there that if I started another business that I would make giving to Kiva a part of what we do as a socially responsible company. So when Lisa and I started Good Living Products in July of this year we made giving to Kiva a part of our business plan.

Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty.
Kiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend to unique entrepreneurs around the globe.  They do this by allowing you and me to invest in low income people with as little as a $25 investment.

The people you see on Kiva's site are real individuals. When you browse entrepreneurs' profiles on Kiva, choose someone to lend to, and then make a loan, you are helping a real person make great strides towards economic independence and improve life for themselves, their family, and their community. Throughout the course of the loan (usually 6-12 months), you can receive email journal updates and track repayments. Then, when you get your loan money back, you can re-lend to someone else.

Here are some of the people that we have loaned money to.

Teresa is the proud owner of her own in-home daycare business in Massachusetts. 
In her home country of Ecuador she was also a businesswoman. Ten years ago she came to the United States to start something new and it was natural for her to pursue a business of her own.

Jairo  came to the United States from Colombia 24 years ago after the loss of his job and with 500 dollars he started his own office furniture business.

Michael is the owner of CineCipher, a multi-media videography company located in the San Francisco Bay Area. He works with small businesses and non-profits to help them tell their stories.

Mrs.Thida Rous and her husband, Mr. Chinda Duk have been selling flowers and bananas for twelve years they live along the Tonle Basac River, a tributary of the nearby Mekong River, about fifteen kilometers from Phnom Penn, the capital city of Cambodia.

These are real people with real needs.  Please feel free to join us as we all try to make our world a better place. Join our Kiva community at

Thanks - Roger Booth from Good Living Products, LLC

Friday, October 16, 2009

Asian ColeSlaw

I am always trying to find and easy and healthy dish to make and I came across this one that I would like to share with you.

Asian ColeSlaw

It is obviously made with cabbage which is full of nutrients including vitamin C and indoles, important cancer-fighting compounds. In addition, red cabbage also contains anthocyanins, the purple pigment with strong antioxidant activity commonly found in blueberries. In the winter months, cabbage is an abundant nutritional resource when other fresh produce is either expensive or unavailable. This recipe calls for a lot of salt, but it is used in this dish to soften the cabbage. Then it is thoroughly rinsed off so the recipe doesn't provide too much sodium. This coleslaw is colorful and makes a delightful accompaniment to any meat, fish or vegetarian main dish.


1 medium head green cabbage
1 medium head red cabbage
3 tablespoons sea salt
3 large carrots
1/4 cup minced scallions
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
2/3 cup unseasoned rice vinegar
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons dark-roasted sesame oil

1. Discard the outer leaves of cabbages. Cut heads in quarters; remove and discard cores. Slice cabbage thinly or shred in a food processor. Layer the cabbage in a large bowl with the sea salt. Toss to distribute salt evenly and let cabbage sit for 1 hour to soften.
2. Meanwhile, peel the carrots and grate them into thin shreds.
3. Drain off any liquid produced by the cabbage and rinse the cabbage well in several changes of cold water to remove excess salt. Taste the cabbage; if it is still too salty, rinse it again.
4. Add carrots to the cabbage and mix well.
5. Whisk the rice vinegar, brown sugar and sesame oil together in a small bowl.
6. Pour the dressing over the cabbage and mix well. Let chill. Garnish with minced scallions and toasted sesame seeds before serving.

Nutritional Information:
Per serving:
126.8 calories
3.7 g total fat (0.5 g sat)
0.0 mg cholesterol
23.7 g carbohydrate
3.6 g protein
5.7 g fiber

Check out our site for  healthy products to supplement your healthy diet  Thanks - Lisa Booth

Friday, October 2, 2009

We Make Lovin' Fun (And Green!)

Is there such a thing as "green" or "eco-friendly" sex products?   You betcha!

Medical Studies support the fact that an active sex life leads to a longer and happier life. We are all about longer and happier lives!

Using green products that can both increase libido and enhance sexual experiences have a far reaching affect on your overall health and well being. Benefits include:

  • Stronger immune response
  • Better heart health
  • Reduction of chronic pain
  • Lower incidence of depression
  • Decreased fear and anxiety and have a greater
    sense of well-being

We think those are some pretty strong reasons to both enjoy and look for ways to enhance our sexual well being.

So, why does our company carry eco-friendly sexual enhancement products?  Keep reading.

Lisa and I  met Wendy Strgar in Anaheim at a Natural Products show about 4 years ago.  She was just starting her company called Good Clean Love and was demonstrating a product - no not that kind of product - it was one that you put on your lips to make kissing more enjoyable (not that we needed that - well, maybe we all do). We were impressed with her and impressed with her company, her philosophy and her products and decided then and there that if we started a company or bought one in the natural products industry that we wanted to carry her products.  So, here we are.  Lisa and I started Good Living Products and we are proud to carry the Good Clean Love line.

Personal favorites are the personal lubes - the Lavender Rose and Cinnamon Vanilla in particular (do we have you blushing yet?)  If you're going away on a weekend trip let me recommend the Weekend Get Away package, a little lube, a little oil and...... well, you get to make up the rest of the story.

The products are all natural, organic (95%).  We like to say that they feel good and make you feel good for using them.  Wendy says that "going green never felt so good".  We would have to concur.

Is it about sex?  Yes, but it's more about making your love, and your love life more sustainable.  Don't be afraid to add a little spice to your love life.  And if you're going to do that be good to your mother - earth that is.

Have fun and it's okay to smile!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Some Tips On How I Create My Good Health

I try to get enough vitamins in my diet which I believe is key when it comes to staying healthy. I eat enough healthy grains, fruits and veggies, and lean protein to get all the vitamins, but sometimes everyday living doesn't make it too easy to do! Working long days and starting an online business at home takes up alot of my time, which makes planning and cooking a well balanced meal hard to do. Besides the fact that we sell them, supplements are a good way to boost your vitamin and mineral intake.

Here's a list of some of the supplements that I take on a regular basis.  I have invested in a good, complete multivitamin for women. Multivitamins usually have most of the basics but I also include  vitamin A, vitamin C ( I take chewables when they are available because I have a hard time with swallowing tablets), viatmin D, and vitamin B. You can often find these vitamins with the appropriate doses available for different age groups. An additional calcium supplement, especially for women, can support healthy bone structure. I also take a vitamin E supplement to help support my healthy heart.

I hope you liked learning little about how I try my best to stay healthy.  Stayed tuned for more tips later.  Thanks for reading - Lisa Booth of Good Living Products.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

God vs. Satan - Good vs. Evil - Organic vs. Processed

This laugh brought to you by Good Living Products

In the beginning God covered the earth with broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach, green, yellow, and red vegetables of all kinds; so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.

Then using God's bountiful gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's and Krispy Kreme. And Satan said, "You want hot fudge with that?" And Man said, "Yes!" and Woman said, "I'll have another with sprinkles." And lo they gained 10 pounds.

And God created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure that Man found so fair.

And Satan brought forth white flour from the wheat, and sugar from the cane, and combined them. And Woman went from size 2 to size 10.

So God said, "Try my fresh green salad."

And Satan presented crumbled Bleu Cheese dressing and garlic toast on the side. And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast.

God then said, "I have sent you heart healthy vegetables and olive oil in which to cook them."

And Satan brought forth deep fried coconut shrimp, butter dipped lobster chunks and chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man's cholesterol went through the roof.

God then brought forth running shoes so that his Children might lose those extra pounds.

And Satan came forth with a cable TV with remote control so Man would not have to toil changing the channels. And man and woman laughed and cried before the flickering light and started wearing stretch jogging suits.

Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with potassium and good nutrition.

Then Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them in animal fats and added copious quantities of salt. And Man put on more pounds.

God then gave lean beef so that Man might consume fewer calories and still satisfy his appetite.

And Satan created McDonald's and the 99-cent double cheeseburger. Then Lucifer said, "You want fries with that?" and Man replied, "Yes! And super size' em!" And Satan said, "It is good." And Man went into cardiac arrest.

God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.

And Satan created HMOs.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Pet Toy and Pet Beds Save 490 TONS of Plastic Bottles From Landfills!!

How do you make recycled plastic bottles into fabric and fiber fill that is so soft?

IntelliLoft™ is clean, safe, re-engineered PET (polyethylene terephthalate) polymer material that is a win/win for our customers and the environment! By recycling existing PET polymer material we are reducing energy use, while at the same time,keeping plastic bottles out of our landfills. Creating products that use IntelliLoft™ recycled material can use up to 8 times less energy than it takes to manufacture the same material new.

More about IntelliLoft™ Fiber Fill: IntelliLoft™ Fiber Fill is the incredibly intelligent recycled, super soft re-engineered polymer made exclusively for West Paw Design. IntelliLoft™ is the eco friendly stuffing and cushion used throughout many of West Paw Design's products from the beds to the toys. Because the IntelliLoft™ is created from 100% recycled PET plastic bottles it is not only machine washable, but it washes clean, eliminating those unwanted pet odors.

Our pillow beds are filled with our 100% recycled IntelliLoft™ Fiber Fill, which has a thick denier that creates a fluffy, bounce back filling that holds up and gives pets a comfortable rest night after night.

The Long-Staple Batting that makes up the padding in our flat mats and inside many of our fabric toys
contains 50% recycled IntelliLoft™ material.

More about Fabric made with IntelliLoft™ fibers: West Paw Design has Eco Nap®, Eco Toys, and Eco Slumber™ beds that use fabric created from IntelliLoft™ fibers. These IntelliLoft™ fibers are created from recycled, re-engineered polymer that is cleaned, dyed, and sewn together with non-recycled fibers to create a durable, yet soft fabric. The IntelliLoft™ fibers make up 85% of the total fabric. An intelligent design of recycled and existing PETE polymer material to create a high quality, non-toxic, super soft fabric that is Eco Friendly.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A History of Birthday Gift Giving - And a Couple of Ideas

No matter what age, everyone enjoys a little special attention on their special day – their birthday! Typically, it calls for a celebration complete with balloons, a cake, and gifts from family and close friends. While we engage in these birthday festivities, do we ever stop to think where the traditions really began?
The first known birthday celebrations began among the Egyptians with parades, circuses, and gladiatorial events – all complete with feasts that sometimes lasted for days.  Romans celebrated the birthdays of their gods with parades and chariot races.  Mortals were not encouraged to celebrate their birthdays in Rome.  Germany introduced the tradition of birthday cakes about 200 years ago.  The cake itself was filled with gifts that predicted the recipient’s life in the upcoming year.  For example, if the slice of cake contained a ring, it symbolized impending marriage.  A coin guaranteed riches throughout the next year.  If the cake fell while baking, it ensured impending doom to the one celebrating a birthday.  Today, various countries celebrate birthdays in unique ways.
In the United States, the traditional birthday ritual calls for giving gifts to the one celebrating his special day.  Selecting the “right” gift depends on the individual, his interests, and how well you know him.  Instead of purchasing the “same old” thing, add a unique twist to your birthday gift selections this year and watch out for the positive feedback!

  • From a family tree planner to a family history wall print, a gift of genealogy is a great pick for assisting the recipient learn about his family heritage and get back to his roots.  As some of us get older this becomes a very special gift.
  • Create a scrapbook of special moments throughout the past year.  Include photos from family events and keepsakes that are important to the event.  Recapture these moments by journaling the story of the event and quotes from participants.  Embellish the pages with stickers, captions, and other items that will enhance the memories for a long time to come. This is for the more "crafty" of us but can be a special gift that will always create a memory.
  • Choose a selection of classic books to either add to or start a collection. Several choices to get you started include The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Canterbury Tales, Wurthering Heights, Jane Eyre, The Scarlet Letter, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Great Expectations, Tom Sawyer, and The Catcher in the Rye.  A personal favorite of mine is About A Boy
  • For a woman choose from several great Spa Gift Baskets from Eclipse Spa's.  Yes, this is something we carry - trust me - they make an awesome gift.
  • Purchase baskets from garage sales and gift shops.  Fill them with homemade or gourmet jars of pickles, jams, food mixes, and/or fruit.  Again for the more crafty of us but substitute the homemade pickles and jams etc with other items that fit the person that you are giving the gift to.
No matter what the occasion, pay attention to what the gift receivers interests, likes and dislikes are  - people are always telling us what they want.  We just have to listen!

Monday, September 7, 2009

6 Steps To Great Looking and Feeling Skin!

I have had very sensitive skin ever since I can remember, I need to be very careful on what products I use on my face from what I wash it with to applying any type of day or night cream. I have been using the Elements Skin Care line for over a month now and my skin has never felt so balanced, fresh and soft. Not one breakout or irritation. I use the 6 step program in the morning after I take my shower and in the evening when I take my make up off. My face has been very balanced since using the Elements Skincare Program, not oily or dry.

Here is the new Elements 6 Step Skin Care Program I have been using.

Step 1   I use the Facial Cleanser and it cleans and refines my skin
Step 2   is the Balancing Toner that uses herbal essential oils to restore my skin
Step 3   is the Normalizing Serum and it makes my skin feel rich and nourished
Step 4   I use the Lifting Eye Cream.  At 35 I'm starting to see lines and this has helped to firm and nourish under my eyes.
Step 5   is the Moisturizing Day Cream helps to repair and nourish my skin, feels radiant
Step 6   and last is the Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream. It stimulates youthful collagen and reduces the fine lines that I was beginning to see

Elements also has a great Moisturizing Shampoo & Moisturizing Conditioner for every day use.

ALL Elements products are Cruelty Free, Vegan with no alcohol, no parabens, no sulfates, no propylene glycol, no synthetic fragrance and are gluten free.  All natural ingredients.

Written by - Lisa Booth of Good Living Products


Friday, September 4, 2009

Put The Lime In The Coconut........Oil

So, why should you try this stuff?

Why don't we start with the benefits like:
  1. Promoting your heart health
  2. Promoting weight loss when and if you need it
  3. Supporting your immune system health
  4. Supporting a healthy metabolism
  5. Providing you with an immediate energy source
  6. Helping to keep your skin healthy and youthful looking
  7. Supporting the proper functioning of your thyroid gland 
Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid (MCFA).
Because coconut oil is made of primarily medium chain (and some short chain) fatty acids, it is broken down immediately for use rather than stored. MCFA aren't packaged into chylomicrons for circulation through the lymph like long chain fatty acids (LCFA). Instead, they are transported in the portal blood to the liver for conversion into energy. This quick conversion process may prevent weight gain as long as the calories consumed as coconut oil do not exceed the body's caloric needs. Coconut oil has also been found to speed metabolism and increase energy expenditure and is of great interest for its potential as a weight loss aid.

Coconut oil may prevent and alleviate disease.
Both research and clinical studies have shown that MCFA may be useful in treating and preventing diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, virus-related dieases (mononucleosis, hepatitis C, herpes, etc.), gallbladder disease, Crohn's disease, and cancer. The smaller size of MCFA (compared to LCFA) allows them to be digested more easily, making them ideal for those suffering from digestive diseases. Coconut oil may assist in the absorption and retaining of calcium, thereby benefiting bones.

Coconut oil has antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.
Lipid-coated bacteria and viruses contain a lipid coat which encloses their DNA among other cellular materials. When consumed by humans, coconut oil disrupts the lipid membrane, killing the pathogens without damaging the host or harming health-promoting intestinal bacteria. The antimicrobial properties stem from the monoglycerides and free fatty acids (mainly lauric acid and capric acid) that compose coconut oil.

Need more reasons to start consuming coconut oil?
Pure coconut oil is easily absorbed, prevents free radical damage, and can improve the appearance of skin and hair.  
With all the benefits that coconut oil can provide, it's definitely worth trying. And if all this is too much info to take in at one time or if you don't quite like the taste, we hear it makes a fantastic conditioner for your hair.

Ours is Organically Grown an as always all Natural

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Chia Seeds - Diabetes, Omega-3 and Weight Loss

It is not necessary that every on who is suffering from Diabetes will definitely know about the Chia seeds just because it is the best herbal option to control the blood sugar. The Chia seeds contain a high amount of Omega-3 Fatty Acid which is a very essential for our body. Our body can not manufacture it hence it needs to be obtained from external food. The acid is essential for the proper function of the brain and its development. The three kinds of Omega 3 acids which are alpha-Linolenic Acid, Docosahexaenoic acid and the Eicosapentaenoic acid helps the human body to reduce the blood pressure and the heart related diseases.
The high protein and lipid contents in the Chia seeds are also one of the many reasons why the seed is helpful for the diabetic patients. The seeds are a species of the mint family and are widely grown in the Central Valley of Mexico. The seeds were an integral part of the Aztec and Maya civilization. They used the seeds as the offering to their gods and used to have that in their religious ceremonies.
During the last couple few years the scientists were doing researches on the utilities of the seeds and were tiring to find out the importance of it. The extensive researches have revealed the true picture of the seed. The seed is very effective for the diabetic people as is controls the blood sugar levels in our body. Recently all the doctors are prescribing the Chia seeds and its by-products for the diabetic patients all over the world.
If you are suffering from high sugar level in your blood then you might go for the Chia seeds diets with your regular exercises and proper medications. You can do your part of research in the internet and learn more about the importance of the Chia seeds.

At Good Living Products we carry both the Chia Seeds and Chia Seed Capsules.  All are Organically Grown and all Natural.

Thanks for reading, Be Well - Roger Booth