African Mango
(Irviniga Gabonensis)
Try the Breakthrough Weight-Loss Product Featured on The Dr. Oz Show...
African Mango Extract is currently the most popular weight-loss product in America after Oprah's favorite doctor, Dr. Oz, featured it on his nationally syndicated television show on September 13, 2010.
Dr. Oz called African Mango a "breakthrough supplement" and a "miracle in your medicine cabinet" that can help you quickly lose 10 pounds.
African Mango is considered the "Best Natural Fat-Loss Remedy In 25 Years"! African Mango is your secret weapon to losing weight and burning fat. The extract derived from the seed of the African Mango, has been shown in numerous studies to help users shed pounds and burn inches of belly fat. It even contains cholesterol lowering properties.
Known in the scientific community as Irvingia gabonensis, African Mango fruit is commonly eaten by the natives in West Africa. Recent lab reports have shown that the extracts from the plant's seed can slow body fat production by producing favorably changes in glycerol-3 phosphate, leptin, PPAR gamma, and adiponectin.
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Take Care,
Roger & Lisa Booth
Good Living Products