Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is Your Home Safe??

Here is a product line that we carry from Herb'n Organics. I wanted to share this interesting article on products that we use day to day and don't realize what harm they can be causing. I personally use all of their products and just love them. They clean amazingly, smell great and healthy for the environment and your family!

It's all around us, often disguised in pretty packaging, catchy commercials and attractive coupon offers in your Sunday paper. "It" is all of those many products we use in our everyday lives to get things clean. Consumers are becoming more conscious. The term "clean" is thankfully being redefined by many people who have personally experienced the dangerous effects that common household chemicals can wreak on our bodies and those of our families. In that light, here is a Top 10 on some products you should permanently cross off your shopping list:

1. Non-stick cookware
2. Plastic Bottles
3. Conventional Cleaning Supplies*
4. Chemical Insecticides & Herbicides
5. Antibacterial Products
6. Chemical Fertilizers
7. The Non-CFL Lightbulb
8. Air Fresheners
9. Flame Retardents
10. Plastic Shopping Bags

Click here to read up on all the dangers and suggested alternatives.
*Solution: Herb'n Organics Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies!

Bleach & Ammonia: Asthma Triggers in the Classroom
CDC surveys have detected a dramatic increase in childhood asthma across the country in the span of just a few decades. At present, nearly 1 in 10 children has asthma in the U.S. Nationally, asthma is the leading cause of missed school days due to a chronic illness. Many ingredients in conventional cleaning supplies cause asthma in previously healthy people, according to the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC), the leading international body concerned with the link between chemical exposures and asthma.
* Asthma affects 1 in 4 school children
* Asthma is increasing in prevalence especially in young children below the age of 5
* Asthma can kill if left unattended
* Asthma is a major cause of childhood admissions to hospital
* Recognize the signs of Asthma: lethargy, tiredness, decreased motivation and inability to concentrate,
                                    ear and stomach aches
School children spend a large part of their day inside classrooms cleaned with chemicals that can cause or exacerbate asthma, and breathe in a complex set of indoor air contaminants with lungs that are still developing.
Click here to read more....

Bathing Your Pup with Go Green Dog
We all know how great it feels to take a nice warm bath or shower and come out feeling all clean and refreshed. Well, your favorite family pets love it too. You can tell. It's written all over their cute lovable faces after a good toweling off after a bath. We love our pets just as much - see precious Emma pictured right
so we had to create our Go Green Dog line of shampoo and dog crate/bed spray.
The secret of our Go Green Dog shampoo is rinse-ability! You'll get that soap off your pal quickly and thoroughly and Go Green Dog leaves your dog's coat soft, shiny and clean. This is a low-lather shampoo, so work it in to the moistened coat sparingly rather than pouring it on. Your dog gets a good massage and a good cleaning!
Ingredients are pure & simple:
Vegetable Glycerin, Vinegar, Castile Soap, Filtered Water, Lavender Essential Oil, and Peppermint Essential Oil.
Please check out our website for Herb'n Organic product line. You won't be dissappointed.
Click here to get some!

Take Care,
Roger & Lisa Booth
Good Living Products

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